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If you’ve been following me on social media for a while, or you’ve taken more than a passing interest in the law of attraction you’ll know about manifesting. A key element of learning to manifest abundance and our goals in life is learning how to raise your vibration. 

What is raising your vibration? 

Everything in the universe operates at a certain frequency or vibration, and higher vibrations are more likely to attract positive events and outcomes. By raising your own vibration, you will align yourself with those higher frequencies that attract positive experiences, people and circumstances into your life. Here’s a breakdown of why raising your vibration can aid in manifestation, along with some tips and potential pitfalls,

How learning how to raise your vibration helps you manifest

I’ve been a qualified Law of Attraction practitioner since ? and that means I know that some time spent learning how to raise your vibration is time well spent. It will help you align yourself with the energy of what it is that you’re trying to manifest. That alignment makes it easier for you to attract what you desire into your life.I also find that those higher vibrations help bring me more clarity of mind and enhanced intuition, so I can recognise opportunities and take inspired action! Finally, raising your vibration leads you to a healthier emotional state. That’s because you will focus on cultivating positive emotions such as love, joy, gratitude and peace. Living in these emotions make you feel far better than negative ones, such as fear and jealousy.

Learning how to raise your vibration 

If you’re trying manifesting for the first time in your life, or you haven’t been all that successful to date, here are some ideas to help you. You can try just two or three of them, or work all of them into your life. The idea is to make them part of you daily routine, habits that you start to do automatically. Let’s get started: 

1. Practice gratitude and kindness

Regularly express gratitude for the blessings in your life. Gratitude raises your vibration by focusing your attention on the positive aspects of your experience. And remember to be kind to the people you encounter on your journey. You have the power to spread positivity rather than negativity, so do it!

2. Try meditation and mindfulness

We all come across situations that will challenge us and risk us being stressed and negative. Engage in meditation or mindfulness practices every day to help quiet your mind, reduce stress and connect with the present moment. This helps elevate your vibration by promoting inner peace and giving you clarity on events outside your control. 

3. Make healthy lifestyle choices

The health of our mind and body are closely woven, so take care of the latter too. That means eating nourishing foods, staying hydrated, prioritising getting enough sleep and minimising exposure to toxins. Regular exercise boosts the feel good hormones called endorphins and they help you feel rewarded and happy. Plus, moving your body helps to release stagnant energy, raising your overall vibration.

4. Limit your exposure to negativity 

Negativity will lower your vibration and make it harder to manifest your desires. As it’s impossible to feel negative and positive at the same time (honestly, try it!) use positive affirmations. By repeating positive statements to yourself every day, you’ll reprogram your subconscious mind and shift your energy towards what you want to manifest.

5. Connect with nature

Get away from your screens and spend time outside. Leave your phone behind or put it on silent and leave it in your pocket or bag so that you’re not tempted to look at it. Spending time immersed in nature helps you recharge and realign with the natural rhythms of the earth. Nature has a high vibrational frequency that can positively influence your own energy, so make sure you don’t get distracted by emails or social media… 

As you begin to incorporate these tips into your daily life and they become habits, the happier you become and your vibration increases. Remember, it takes time and consistency to build habits and see results! Don’t expect instant success, you can gradually raise your vibration and enhance your manifestation abilities over weeks and months. Remember that it’s a journey, and consistency and patience are key! Make sure you follow me on Instagram for more tips.