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Bryony Parker mindset journey

I wanted to share my own mindset journey with you, but for you to get the best picture, I need to travel back in time a bit. 

I was born in the 1960s (yes I’m that old!) and I grew up being told as a child that children should be seen and not heard. I grew up without a voice, and only ever spoke when I was spoken to. If I was asked a direct question, I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to answer it.  So, my Mum used to cover my quietness, by saying  “Oh Bryony is a bit shy” and I grew up thinking I was shy.

When I went to school, I was told by the teachers that I was stupid, that I didn’t apply myself and that  I could do better. My parents told me I was fat, (I wasn’t), I was ugly, useless and lazy. My family and friends told me I was overweight, greedy, stupid, laughed too loud, was too loud, tactless, thoughtless and bitchy.  

That meant growing up I had a lack of confidence. I thought I was stupid, and I had no self-worth. I also had to put up with I father that bullied me, put me down at every opportunity and was mentally  abusive. 

I lost my mother at 21 and had to learn to be brave. I had no relationship with my father, so had to learn to stand up for myself, to stand up to the bullying, and to find a core of steel and some resilience. 

When I was 22, I married my husband, who’s still my husband and he has given me confidence. He’s been my rock and he’s championed me all throughout my life. I found as an adult that I am dyslexic and not stupid, and recently I have found out that I am also autistic.

But I didn’t know that growing up, but knew I was different. So, I had to learn masking techniques. To learn how to be tactful, learn how to make eye  contact,  learn how to make small talk and learn to laugh less loudly! And a whole lot more to be honest. 

I realise now that I masked quite a lot and have kept masking to be able to appear normal.  I’ve obviously masked quite successfully because most people think I am normal and they wouldn’t ever think I was autistic, but I know that I am. 

Now I’m telling you all this because when you grow up with trauma and challenges and lack of self-confidence, you could think that is your lot in life. But that is never the case. 

I found out about the law of attraction about 10 years ago, and it has changed my life. And have been learning about it ever since. My mindset has changed completely using the LOA techniques I have learned.  

I understand now that you can reprogram how you feel, what you believe, how you react to situations and even how that can change your health. In  my early adult years, I suffered a lot with IBS, stomach pains, anxiety and depression. And since being on my mindset journey I’ve become a much more positive and happy person. When you’re grateful you can’t be negative and so I practice gratitude on a daily basis. I now have a positive mindset and no longer have anxiety,  stomach pains, and IBS. I am more resilient in life, and I know how to remain positive when things go wrong.

The young girl that my husband married 35 years ago is not the same person that I am now. I’m a confident introvert and I love the skin I’m in,  I love me, I love the person I am. I’m a generous,  positive, friendly, bubbly and fun to be around person. The  change in me, is all down to the change in my mindset. Having a good mindset is the most important thing you can have in your life. 

With a good mindset, you can have everything you want in life. You can change your life completely. You can become thinner, healthier, loved, happier and be who you want to be with the right mindset. If you would like to start your mindset journey, just get in touch.