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what is surrendering

I recently shared a blog all about how ‘acting as if’ can help you manifest the life you desire. In this blog I’m taking a look at another key element of the Law of Attraction, which is surrendering. I’ll be sharing what surrendering is, in this context, and how it can help you manifest your dream life and allow it to come to you naturally. 

There’s probably an elephant in the room already, which is that surrendering has quite negative connotations as a word. Surely surrendering is letting go of the wheel? So how does it fit in when so much of my advice centers around taking control of your future and manifesting what you desire! That’s why we’ll kick off with a look at what I mean by surrendering in the context of the Law of Attraction. 

Why is surrendering taught in the Law of Attraction? 

When I talk about surrendering, I mean releasing your attachment to the outcomes and trusting in the universe to orchestrate the manifestation process. That means consciously letting go of resistance, doubts and any limiting beliefs you hold that may be blocking the manifestation of your desires. When you surrender, you’ll start to release the need to control every aspect of the manifestation process and allow things to unfold naturally. That might sound simple, but it can be tricky to do! That’s why I’ve put together some tips to help you lean into surrendering to your desires. 

Three ways to surrender and let the universe take the wheel!

  1. Trust and faith

Surrendering requires trust and faith that the universe will deliver for you. It’s about believing that your desires are on their way to you and that everything is happening for a reason, even if you can’t see the exact path or timing.

  1. Detachment from outcome

Surrendering also involves detaching yourself from specific outcomes. While it’s essential to have clarity about what you want to manifest, being overly attached to a particular outcome can create resistance and block the flow of positive energy. Surrendering and moving away from the detail allows you to be open to unexpected opportunities and outcomes that may be even better than what you initially set as your goal.

  1. Flow and alignment

To give yourself the best chase of aligning with the natural flow of life and the universe, try to be conscious of when you’re trying to force things to happen or micromanaging every detail. When you find yourself getting stressed or anxious about progress, remember to surrender to the flow of life and trust that things will work out in divine timing.

What if surrendering doesn’t resonate with you?

It’s important to note that not all these ideas might resonate with you. And that’s OK! They’re not steps, they’re just different techniques you can try to lean into the idea that the universe has your back and relinquish your desire to control the process. I’d love to hear how you get on, so why not connect with me on social media? That way you can drop me a line quickly if you need any support and tips.  But, in closing, I’d like to reiterate that surrendering is about finding a balance between actively working towards your goals and trusting in the universe to support you. It’s about releasing resistance, trusting in divine timing and allowing things to unfold in their own perfect way.