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how to develop a millionaire mindset

Hello and welcome to 2024! If you’re keen to start your new year off with a better money mindset and open yourself up to financial abundance, then you’re in the right place. In my first blog of the new year, I’m looking at a subject that can help you elevate your attitude to money to a whole new level. How to develop a millionaire mindset. I’ll share what a millionaire mindset is and why it’s well worth developing one. Plus, I’ll give you some simple steps you can use to elevate your money mindset. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

What is a millionaire mindset?

If your immediate reaction when you read the intro was “I don’t have a million pounds so I can’t have a millionaire mindset”, then stop right there! The idea behind developing a millionaire mindset is that you embrace the same attitudes and habits as someone who has already achieved financial success. It doesn’t matter if you’re working towards abundance rather than already having a bank account brimming with money, you think like someone who is a millionaire.

In fact, you can have lots of money but still not feel abundant. I know millionaires who don’t feel abundant and have a terrible with money, they have a thirst for making money and don’t know how to quench it. Just because they can make money does not mean they know how to keep it. That is why having a good money mindset is so important, as it would help them quench their need for money thirst and feel more content with what they have. On that note, let’s delve more into how having a millionaire mindset can benefit you.

Why developing a millionaire mindset helps money flow to you

Thinking like a millionaire and adopting an abundant outlook will raise your energy and help you move toward the person you want to become. To put it really simply:

  • To be abundant you must act like you already are abundant! 
  • It shifts your perspective and opens your mind to what’s possible. 
  • You begin to live your life based on the amazing things that will come your way, rather than being driven by fear.
  • This signals to the universe that you’re ready to receive, and money will flow your way. 

There’s evidence that the way you view yourself and the world around you will shape your actions, even your subconscious ones. It can impact the way you learn, the way you view yourself and the way you plan for the future, so if you’re working on your relationship with money then adopting a millionaire mindset is an excellent step. That’s why you need to develop a millionaire mindset in 2024!

How to nurture a millionaire mindset 

Firstly, I want you to know that developing any new habit can be hard – at least at first! It takes lots of repetition to move from making a conscious effort to do something to it becoming a habit. Think about teaching children to brush their teeth. Parents have to stand with them every evening and every morning until it becomes a habit (and they learn how to brush properly!). But as an adult, brushing our teeth is a habit that we have for life. I advise people to take small actions every single day until they don’t have to remind themselves to do them – they’ve become a habit and are part of you!

Here are five ways you can develop a millionaire mindset:

  1. Practice gratitude every day. It’s impossible to feel negative when you’re focussed on being grateful, so make sure you reflect on gratitudes every day. 
  2. Think big! When you set goals make sure you’re always channelling your abundant future self and think about the big picture. Don’t immediately place mental blocks for why you can’t or won’t be able to achieve something. 
  3. Surround yourself with people who embrace an abundant mindset and share your ideas with them. Finding the ‘tribe that matches your vibe’ is so helpful to being able to believe in your limitless potential. And remember, their successes aren’t your failures. There are more than enough abundance for us all, and you’re on your own path.
  4. Make abundant upgrades whenever you can! For example, I choose to go to a posh hotel for a coffee when I’m out for meetings or travelling. The coffee itself might not cost more than one from a high street chain, but the experience is so elevated and perfectly matches my mindset.
  5. Believe that you are worthy of more. If you struggle with self-confidence or imposter syndrome then remember that you are more than worthy of just as much success as the next person. You deserve success in your goals, you can create the life you want – and you WILL!  

By thinking in the same way that someone who has money in abundance, you’ll develop the optimism, flexibility and resilience that will help you in every area of life. Plus, you’ll be putting out to the universe that you’re open to receiving money, and that’s a huge step on your money mindset journey.