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an illustrative image of the brain showing the synapsis and neurone connecting, showing subconscious programming.

We all have a story we have been telling ourselves most of our lives (that we’re not confident, worthy or have self-belief) but is that story helping you or setting you back? Just because it comes from your mind, it doesn’t mean it has to be the story you live by forever…

Our mind is made of two very distinct elements – the conscious brain and the subconscious brain. Both are very powerful, and together they influence all our day-to-day behaviour, choices and actions. In this blog I’m going to take a closer look at how our subconscious can influence our thoughts and decisions without us knowing, often in a negative way, and how to take control and reprogramme your subconscious mind so that it works for you, instead of against you. Let’s get started by looking at the difference between the conscious and subconscious mind.

The conscious and subconscious mind

Our conscious mind is everything you are currently thinking about, so your awareness of yourself and the world around you. For example, ‘I am thirsty’ or ‘I feel excited about going to meet my friends’ and ‘the sunset is really beautiful’ are all conscious thoughts. Our conscious mind governs what we actively choose to do at any given moment – you make a conscious decision to get out of bed, choose the clothes you wear and how much milk to put in your morning tea or coffee.

Our subconscious mind stores all the information, experiences, memories, habits and urges you’ve picked up since you were born and up to right now. Think of it rather like a huge data bank – or a library, if you prefer a pre-digital analogy! That data, all those experiences and memories, influence how we view the world and how we interact with it. That’s why our subconscious mind is so influential – in fact, it’s now recognised that it’s far more active, purposeful and influential than scientists used to give it credit for.

Before we move on, it might also interest you to know that Sigmund Freud also identified a third state of mind – the preconscious mind. He stated that this consisted of the things we can pay conscious attention to if we decide we want to – ideas that are readily accessible but not being actively thought of until something reminds us of them. Or those memories that are tucked somewhere for easy retrieval as and when we need them, such as telephone numbers! But for now, let’s carry on focusing on our subconscious mind.

Why your subconscious mind is so important

Our subconscious mind literally enables us to act without thinking – for example knowing how to tie our shoelaces, use a knife and fork or drive a car! But that same automatic action means it can be the source of our long-standing patterns of negative behaviour and deeply ingrained limiting beliefs. For example, if a teacher told you that you were getting ‘too big for your boots’ when you were just five years old… Well, that could have a longstanding impact on your willingness to speak up and challenge other people. If you heard your parents talk about acquaintances who had money being ‘brash’ or ‘show-offs’, what beliefs might that instil in you as you grow up?

The role of subconscious reprogramming

Now that you know that you have a lifetime of memories, experiences, habits and preconceptions governing the way you react, behave and even feel on a day-to-day basis, it’s time to reflect. Some will be helpful, but everyone has limiting beliefs that make them hold back when they could speak out, behave negatively towards others, or take action from a place of fear. How does that make you feel? I imagine you would love to identify the limiting beliefs that are holding you back, and then reprogramme them. The good news is that you can!

Subconscious reprogramming can help you remove limiting beliefs, thoughts or phobias, or reframe them as positive beliefs instead. That means instead of having a ‘devil on your shoulder’ as you go through life, you can have a whole cheerleading squad instead. You can live the life you want with self-belief, confidence and making decisions from a place of security and happiness, instead of fear and negativity.

How to reprogramme your subconscious

There are several tools you can use to break free from limiting beliefs, unconsciously think empowering thoughts and cultivate a positive mindset that helps you achieve your goals. Here are just some of the ways I can help my clients reprogramme their subconscious:

  1. Affirmations: the subconscious mind loves repetition, so by repeating a desired outcome or state of mind over and over, you can reprogramme your subconscious mind to align with your aspirations. For example, you might say “I deserve success”, “I attract abundance” or “everything I need is in me now”, you can rewire those unconscious thoughts to be positive.
  2. Visualisation: I want you to close your eyes and think about what it feels like to have achieved your goal. What can you see, how do you feel, what are you wearing and what can you hear? Repeating these detailed mental images can help you rewire your subconscious to support you on your path to success.
  3. Emotional Freedom Techniques: Also known as EFT, this is a way of releasing emotional blocks and neutralising their impact on you. The idea is that by tapping acupuncture points (acupoints) on your hands, face, and body with your fingertips, while focusing on an issue or feeling, you can resolve it and release yourself from the anxiety it causes you.

I am a qualified NLP practitioner and an expert in subconscious reprogramming, so I’m perfectly placed to help you. If you would like to identify your limiting beliefs and reprogramme your subconscious to become a powerful tool in your personal development journey, please drop me a line!